Our Marriage

Greg and Michelle at the Killers concert -- September 2009

We love being together. We miss each other every day while Greg is at work. We are best friends and have a lot in common. We make an effort to spend as much time together as possible, just the two of us. It's obviously hard with children and with the demands of life, but every night when the boys go to bed we eat a treat, talk, and snuggle on the couch while watching a little TV. We also take a class together at the gym and have done that for three years now! We talk on the phone a lot during the day and instant message each other all day long too. It's the little things that make a big difference, and we have come to realize as long as we are together, it doesn't really matter what we do.

Nowadays we are chaperoned by two little boys on most of our dates (we don't mind at all!) But every once in awhile we get away alone and we
enjoy going to concerts or going out to dinner or dessert. We also like to go the beach, hike, work in the yard, read books, take walks, listen to music, play games, and laugh together.

We love to travel as often as time and money permit.
We have been to New York twice together before the boys were born. We especially love visiting our families in Utah and Nevada as a family. Greg travels around Oregon and to Utah and Idaho occasionally for work and Michelle and the boys try to go with him as often as possible. We also love to have friends over to our house and host dinners and BBQ’s as often as we have time.

We both have the same goals and perspective on life. We agree about family decisions -- big and small -- and try to handle all things in our marriage as unitedly as we can. We have good communication so if we have a disagreement we negotiate until we are on the same page. This has been a blessing to us and has helped us overcome many challenges and hard times. No marriage is perfect, but we are a good match and we are committed to constantly improving.