Michelle's family on vacation in Idaho. Since this picture we've had Sam join us and Michelle's sister had a baby and now her sister-in-law is pregnant with a baby boy -- October 2007
Michelle's family is ecstatic to have another baby join the family. They have been extremely supportive of our decisions to adopt and have loved both Noah and Sam completely.
My family is phenomenal. I was raised by good parents who taught me to work hard, serve others, and most importantly, to love the Lord. I am so thankful for the example each one of them has set for me all my life. I am the oldest, but I come from a family of leaders. Each one of us has a strong personality and has a drive to be good and to do good. I am proud of my siblings for marrying well and for upholding high standards. I hope I can one day become as smart, funny, and cool as they are.
Michelle's parents live about 30 minutes away from us. Michelle's dad, Randy, is a commercial real estate banker and her mom works as as a receptionist at an assisted living facility.
Her sister, Myndi, lives with her husband and one-year old son in Utah. She is a therapist and her husband is a nurse. Her husband will be starting graduate school soon to become an nurse anesthesiologist.
Her brother, Jordan, lives about 45 minutes away from us. He is in graduate school to become a chiropractor. His wife is a personal trainer and they are expecting a baby boy due in February 2010.
We get together as a family often and are very supportive of everything each other does. We are so lucky to have such wonderful family!